The data was allocated in txt format and we put them into excel and obtained this C-V plot. Figure 1: C-V plot C-V plot (HfSiO, 70% Hf). According to the plot drawn from given data, the substrate involved in this project is p type. This conclusion is made from the characteristic of surface field effect. There are three conditions of the energy band diagram, accumulation, depletion and inversion. Under the accumulation condition of p type Si MOS system, when negative voltage is applied on the gate, positive holes in the semiconductor will be attracted to the region close to the oxide and accumulate there. When voltage applied on the gate increases to positive, the positive holes accumulated before will be repelled and leave behind some negative acceptances. Then this condition is called depletion condition. Finally, when the gate voltage is high enough, the fermi level of semiconductor in the region near to the oxide will be bend higher than the intrinsic level, and thus...