Further Research


It is known that "Fermi pinning phenomenon" occurs between high-k gate oxide and polysilicon gate and the compatibility between high-k gate oxide and polysilicon gate is poor [2]. Research shows that using metal gate technology, HK/MG (high-k/metal gate) can improve the performance of the transistor and consume less power. In addition, compared with the gate-first HK/MG technology, the gate-last HK/MG technology will gradually become the main manufacturing process for the HK/MG in terms of high performance or low power consumption. However, the manufacturing technology of gate-last HK/MG is complex and the yield is low, which makes it difficult to achieve large-scale mass production. Moreover, the customer manufacturers need to modify the circuit design according to the needs. Therefore, for the HK/MG technology, the future research direction may be the improvement of the gate-last HK/MG technology, as one of the future research directions of planar transistors. Looking beyond the 22nm node, transistors may change from traditional planar gate to multi gate [3]. Intel announced in 2011 that the three-dimensional 3D Tri-Gate transistor, compared with the planar transistor, not only has better performance, but also is widely used, which may be the focus of transistor research and development in the future.



Task 2 Determine the Oxide Relative Permittivity (εr or k)

Task5. Work Function Difference (Calculate the work function difference assuming a gold (Au) gate.)

Task 6. Flatband voltage (Calculate the flatband voltage)