Task7. Calculate the Mid-gap Voltage.

 To calculate the mid-gap voltage, we need to obtain the depletion capacitor value at mid-gap.

                                          Figure5. The a.c. equivalent circuit at mid-gap

Assuming a uniformly doped semiconductor, we can calculate the depletion capacitor value by the formula:

Then, the value of Cdep  is 3.28E-4 F/m2

Using the formula:

we can calculate the value of 1/Cmidgap.

And we know the relationship between CDep and Cdep.

With the values of CDep and COX, we can calculate the value of Cmidgap is 7.587*10-11F, and Vmidgap equals 1.35V.



Task 2 Determine the Oxide Relative Permittivity (εr or k)

Task5. Work Function Difference (Calculate the work function difference assuming a gold (Au) gate.)

Task 6. Flatband voltage (Calculate the flatband voltage)